Apple TV+’s beloved series “Loot” returns with Molly Novak (played by Maya Rudolph) at the helm, embracing philanthropy like never before. Molly’s journey to launch the Space For Everyone housing project unfolds amidst the challenges she faces.
Thankfully, Molly can rely on her dedicated team—Sofia, Nicholas, Howard, Ainsley, Arthur, and Rhonda—to support her vision. As Molly shares her wealth, her impeccable taste in fashion remains untouched, with her designer wardrobe stealing the spotlight this season.
While Molly’s coworkers may not have her lavish clothing budget, they always manage to exude style. If you’re enamored with the fashion from Loot Season 2 Outfits, discover where to find similar looks below.
Loot’ Season 2 Maya Rudolph Checked Pajamas Set
Loot Maya Rudolph Smart Watch Product Page
Loot Maya Rudolph Red Color Block Puff Sleeve Midi Dress
Loot Maya Rudolph Mini handbag Product Page
Loot Maya Rudolph Watch Product Page
Loot Maya Rudolph Black White Floral Print Ruched
Loot Maya Rudolph Watch Product Page
Loot Sofia Salinas Crop Top Product Page
Loot Sofia Salinas Pajama Product Page
Loot Sofia Salinas Chain Product Page
Loot Ainsley Green Floral dress
Loot Ainsley Necklace Product Page